Back to school time is right around the corner. In our house, a new school year means a new beginning. Everyone gets fresh haircuts, closets, cars and the pantry get organized, new shoes, clothes and school supplies are purchased and first day of school teacher gifts are prepared.
Back to school teacher gifts are definitely not required or expected at our school but gift giving is my love language and my way of showing the kids’ teachers my appreciation.

I don’t go overboard with back to school gifts, but I do like to give a few teacher supplies that might come in handy. My go to supplies are always, Expo markers, Flair pens, and disinfectant wipes. In years past, I’ve also given Post-it Notes, tissues, construction paper and hand sanitizer.

I also always include a questionnaire to get to know the teacher a little bit better. It also helps throughout the school year to know some of the teachers’ favorite things when their birthday, teacher appreciation week and Christmas come around.

If you would like to get to know your child’s teacher a little better, print out our teacher questionnaire and either add it to a little gift, or simply send it with your child on the first day of school.
You can download the questionnaire in our shop for FREE!
Have a great school year!