Fall is upon us, which in our house means the season of yummy treats! Creating yummy themed goodies is one of my favorite things about Fall, but my most favorite is creating easy and practical treats that my kids can either help with or create entirely on their own.
Watching my kids use their creativity in the kitchen is such a pleasure to watch. I’ve also found that baking is the perfect activity for tween girls and their friends. My daughter absolutely loves having her girl friends over to bake!
My Top 5 Kid Friendly Fall Treats
First on my list are these adorable chocolate acorns by Belly Full.
These acorns will be a fun treat that everyone will enjoy! Plus, they are easy enough for the kids to help assemble.

Second on the list are the caramel apple nachos , courtesy of family Fresh Meals.
These caramel apple nachos look so delicious and they beat biting into a whole caramel apple any day. Plus, it makes it possible to get the perfect ration of goodness on each bit.
Visit Family Fresh Meals for Corey’s peanut butter caramel recipe. I could only imagine adding peanut butter takes these caramel apple nachos to the next leave.

Next up are these fun Fall cut out sugar cookies from Made to Be a Mama.
Although these cookies look like they must be difficult to make based on how beautiful they look, don’t be fooled. These cookies are perfect for kids to make because blending the cookie dough colors is just like blending play-doh colors, expect it’s not weird when you sneak a taste.

Next up are these Owl pretzels by Wendy from The Monday Box.
I don’t think anyone can turn down a tasty treat like a chocolate covered pretzel and definitely not when they are as cute as these little owls. I know my kids will love making these. I think the hardest part will be waiting for the chocolate to dry before eating them!

Lastly are these yummy Acorn Donut Holes.
Not only are these so easy for kids to make but they would be adorable for a Fall or Winnie the Pooh themed baby shower or first birthday.

I’m definitely planning to make all of these fun and easy treats with my kids this Fall! I have a feeling the acorn donut holes with be my son’s favorite and the chocolate owls will be my daughters. As for me, I’m very much looking forward to the caramel apple nachos. We just might have to make those first!
Following me on Instagram @sprinkledwithpaper to see how all of our yummy Fall treats turn out.
HAPPY Fall Y’all!!