Tic Tac Toe Free Printable Valentines.
Valentine’s Day is only weeks away, which means it’s time to start thinking about Valentines for loved ones, friends and classmates.
I remember one of the most exciting days during elementary school was Valentine’s Day. There was always a party filled with treats, lots of cute cards and games.
Two elementary school game staples are Tic, Tac, Toe and of course rock paper scissors. And sometimes we would combined the two by singing…
?Tic Tac Toe give me an X give me an O, give me three in a row Bunny got hit by a UFO. ?
After the last word of the rhythm we would follow it with a game of rock, paper, scissors. My kids still sing this rhythm as school to this day.
These fun Valentines will be a huge it with all the kids!

INSTRUCTIONS to Make “Tic Tac Toe give me an X give me an O” Valentines
- Download printable file. Just download the PDF file by clicking on the “download” button below.
- Print PDF File from your home printer on bright white cardstock. I prefer a heavy weight paper for a nicer look and feel. Here is my favorite White Cardstock.
- Assembly: Place Big Berry Tic Tacs in mini mesh bags with drawstring. Cut tags along red border, punch a hole in the upper corner and attach your tags with ribbon or twine to mini mesh bags.
- Big Berry Tic Tacs found in bulk (12 bracelets) on Amazon

To download your own Valentines, just click on the button below. You can print the file as many times as you need to depending on your class size!

Looking for more FREE printable Valentines? Click here to see my other Valentine’s day tags including I dig you, you I like you a bunchie here’s a scrunchie, You make everyday brighter, I hope your Valentine’s Day is popping.
If you decide to make these Valentines, I’d love to see how they come out! Please follow me @sprinkledwithpaper on Instagram and use the hashtag #sprinkledwithpaper to share your Valentines!