Recently, I’ve decided to stop multitasking.
I know, for us moms, that sounds impossible. But, I actually find myself to be more productive when I focus on just one task at a time.
I used to think that the more I could do at once, the more productive I was being. In reality, I’d find myself exhausted, looking back at a bunch of partially accomplished task and projects, and feeling extremely discouraged.
Something had to change.
That’s when I discovered block scheduling; blocking out designated time for a particular task or activity, and focusing on nothing else. I realize that sometimes we have to multitask, but I now actively try not to.
On most days, I’m able to block out short periods of time without any visual aids. However, on those days that I’m extremely busy, I need a little extra help. That’s where my “Hail Mary” schedule was born.
I’ve designed a super simple but effective block schedule for those “Hail Mary” days. Those are the days when completing everything that needs to be done is going to require a miracle (or maybe some extra prayer).
Here is an example of one of my recent “Hail Mary” days.
On this particular day, Jack and I had an activity at the library, we were in charge of snack at TK, I had orders to complete for work, an orientation for Madison’s theater group, and Jack had soccer practice. It was a busy day, and one I’m sure every mom out there can relate to.
As you can see, I schedule out just one day, in two-hour segments. I try to under schedule each block as best I can to give a little extra wiggle room. I also like to group similar activities together, since I’m already in that same mindset or location.
In addition to the tasks in a given block of time, I try to add in one single “bonus” task at the bottom. These may be important, but not urgent tasks that I hope to complete. Or, just reminders for myself that relate to a task I have scheduled above.
If you need a little extra help with your “Hail Mary” days, I encourage you to try block scheduling.
I know choosing not to multitask goes against everything we’re told, and may feel a little foreign at first, but give it a try, for even one day. It might forever change your way of planning like it’s done for me!
To help you get started block scheduling, I’m giving you a free copy of the schedule I designed for myself. Just let me know were to e-mail you the file in the form below.
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Good luck!