Sprinkled with Paper offers high quality, originally designed printables for all occasions, from seasonal decor to birthday and other celebrations. Please find the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, files may not be used commercially. You may not modify any files for resale. All images, designs, and files are copywritten, and duplication or other unauthorized use, commercially or otherwise, is prohibited.
Once purchased and downloaded, the printable file is yours to keep. You may re-print as many times as you would like.
We work very hard to produce custom and unique designs, and would appreciate you not sharing the files. There is no way for us to prevent this, so it is up to you, our loyal customers, to protect the integrity of these files. However, we LOVE it when you share our posts, listings, and pictures with your friends and followers, and encourage them to purchase!
Purchase and delivery
Upon checking out, you will receive confirmation of your purchase, which will include a link to download your file. We will also send you a confirmation e-mail with a link to download your file(s). If you do not receive this e-mail within 24-hours, please e-mail us directly so that we can review and locate your order.
Files will be available for download up to seven (7) days after purchase. If you do not download your file within seven (7) days, you will need to re-purchase the printable. As such, we recommend you save the file to your computer locally for use later.
Refunds and returns
Because your purchase is an instant download file, we do not accept refunds or returns. There is no way for us to ensure the file has not been accessed and downloaded. If the file you receive is corrupted, or you are unable to download and print the file, please e-mail immediately us with the original file attached so that we can review and resolve the issue in a timely manner.
Recommended products
We have personally tested the printing of each and every file, and include recommended paper type and printing procedures based on our own best practices in the product listing.
The size, type, and usage of files will determine the best medium and procedures for printing. If you choose to print using different paper-type, quality, or medium (e.g. canvas instead of poster paper), we cannot guarantee the results.
Print settings
While we cannot include detailed settings that cover all printers, there are some best practices that we do recommend:
- Print using the highest quality setting available on your printer. This is often the photo or high definition text setting.
- Make sure your ink cartridges are full and have been cleaned recently. Here is a great article on how to clean your printer.
- Run a test page using standard computer paper before printing on cardstock or photo paper.
- Unless you are using a very high quality printer with high quality paper, we recommend any files printed on photo paper, or that print on paper larger than 8.5″ x 11″, be printed professionally. FedEx-Kinkos is generally our go-to, but we have had great luck with Wal-Mart and other retailers that allow you to upload and order prints online and pick up in-store.
- Results may vary, as files may print differently than they appear on screen. This is due to numerous factors, including your computer and monitor settings, printer ink and print settings, and paper type and quality.
Coupon codes and discounts
We provide coupon codes and discounts on a per-person basis. Please do not share coupon codes with others. We use these codes to generate data that allow us to track sales and offer better products and service to our customers.
Additional questions
If you have additional questions regarding our printables, please feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected]. I will try respond to your e-mail within 24-48 hours.