Today I’m sharing my “4 little spider” Lego project I did with Jack’s kindergarten class for Halloween. Each year as room mom, I try to incorporate at least one Lego craft. The kids love Legos, they get to make a project over and over, and there’s no mess! Which I’m sure the teachers appreciate!
When I was kindergarten room mom for Madison’s class, we made a 5 little pumpkin Lego project! It’s still one of my favorites to date, but I wanted to create something new and special for Jack.

While brainstorming for a project for his class, I knew I wanted something Halloween themed and something that I could incorporate a poem, so I headed down to the Lego store to see what I could come up with.
Our local Lego store has an amazing wall of bricks, where individual pieces can be purchased by the container. A larger container goes for $15.95 and a small container is $8.95. The brick selection varies by store and time of year, but if you are looking for a particular piece, you can purchase them on-line. I’ll provide the style numbers down below for the pieces used in todays project.

Once I arrive at our store, I was quickly drawn to the spider and spider web Legos! I stood there looking at the wall of bricks for an embarrassing long time trying to come up with an idea on how to incorporate the pieces into a project.
The young boy working there must have come over a handful of time to ask “ma’am, do you need any help” yep, I’m now officially a ma’am now.